Create Your Own Poker Table
When you make your own poker table you can design it to your custom specifications – the look and feel, the material, the size, and more. Making Your Own Poker Table: Materials You Will Need. The materials you will need to build your own poker table are easily available. You can categorize them into the following: Tools. Spade bit; Drill; Router. Decide which side of the 3/4' sheet of oak plywood you want to be the top of the table. Measure over 14 inches from each corner, draw a line and cut the corners off. Center the oak plywood on the MDF and attach it from underneath, through the MDF. Use 1-1/4' wood screws. Building your own specialized poker table can be profitable. With all the right tools and materials, you can build your own poker table for less than $ 400. Make the job easier, invest in a high strength folding table that will be the basis of your poker table.
Can You Create Your Own Table On Poker
Please choose the poker or casino table that you would like to build from below to get started with the plans on how to build that particular poker table. Be sure to check back often as we will be adding more poker table plans from time to time. You can download a printable version of any of our free poker table plans, without accompanying text, from our Poker Table Plans page.
Poker Table Materials are available in our shop. Best of luck to you. To get started click any of the images or links below to begin learning how to build a poker table. For video tutorials, please visit our Poker Table Videos page.
Poker Table Plans
How to Build an Oval Poker Table | How to Build a Racetrack Poker Table |
How to Build a Lighted Poker Table | How to Build a Raised Railing Poker Table |
Poker Table Plans

How to Build an Octagon Poker Table | How to Build a Round Poker Table |
Coming Soon... | |
How to Build an Octagon Racetrack Table | How to Build a Round Racetrack Poker Table |
Casino Table Plans
How to Build a Blackjack Table |
Poker Table Leg Plans
Build Your Own Poker Table Top
How to Build 4x4 Poker Table Legs |

Build Your Own Poker Table Supplies
Create Your Own Poker Table Online
Remember that you can always download the free poker table plans for any of our tables in the Printable Plans section of the site. Just enter your name and email and all of our free poker table plans will be emailed directly to you. Remember that only the images are included. You should read the turorial first to learn how to make a poker table and then take the poker table plans offline. You can also buy all of the poker table materials in our Poker Supply Shop or buy everything together in one of our Poker Table Kits.