
Eso Quick Slot Potion

Skill Bar Notes

  • All classes have six slots available on two hotbars. (Sorcerers who use the Overload ultimte will have three hotbars). Instead of cooldown, stamina or magicka will be used to control frequency, and they are meant to be intertwined with auto attacks to ensure effective rotations.
  • Five of the six slots are available to be filled from the class skill pool. The sixth however (ultimate) is reserved for when the player has enough 'finesse'.
    • Finesse is accumulated in combat by reacting to the situation: interrupting a spell, blocking a power attack, or performing combos with your group. It will also increase your magic find rewards and experience gain.

Weapon Attacks

Use the left mouse button to perform attacks with your equipped weapon. Mouse combat has 3 functions:

Left click that slot to make it available for quick use in combat; To load the quick-slot wheel you should: Press I to bring up your inventory; Click the Lighting bolt icon in the upper right corner to pull up the quickslot menu; Select the item you want to add and drag it to the desire quickslot location. Eso Quick Slot Potions, poker tournaments international, how to host casino night at home, libro de texas holdem poker.

  • The game has designed a quick slot feature, which allows users to equip consumables to a key so that they may be used in the heat of the moment during battle. The default key for using a quick slot item is Q, however, first you must equip an item to the quick slot menu in order to be able to use it during battle.
  • Left click that slot to make it available for quick use in combat; To load the quick-slot wheel you should: Press I to bring up your inventory; Click the Lighting bolt icon in the upper right corner to pull up the quickslot menu; Select the item you want to add and drag it to the desire quickslot location.
  • Click to perform a light attack.
  • Hold the left mouse button to begin charging a heavy attack.
  • Holding both left and right mouse buttons will interrupt the enemy.

Heavy attack damage scales depending on how quickly they are released. A heavy attack becomes full charged in approximately 2¼ seconds. Most weapons will automatically release a fully charged heavy attack. Fully charged heavy attacks with bows need to be manually released.

Eso Quick Slot Potion

Players sometimes refer to heavy attacks that are manually released before they are fully charged as medium attacks. The game only uses the terms light, heavy and fully charged heavy attacks.

Active Abilities

Active abilities are those used to perform actions in combat. They must be player activated and are mapped to the number keys 1 through 5. You can shortcut these skills by accessing the Skills menu (K) and dragging and dropping any active ability icon onto the bar. The letter R will be used for Ultimate Skills.

  • At level 15, you gain the ability to have two different weapon sets equipped. Each weapon set has an ability shortcut bar, so your second weapon set can have its own set of 6 abilities. To set your secondary abilities, swap your weapon set by pressing “`” and slot abilities as outlined above.
    • Mid-combat weapon swapping is possible at the cost of stamina and magicka, from level 15 onwards. It will allow players to have mid-combat weapon-tied skill swapping as well. When out of combat, you may chose to change your class and ultimate abilities at your leisure.
  • All abilities have an activation cost, generally in magicka or stamina. If you have enough resources, you can press the corresponding key to execute that ability.
  • Ultimate abilities are executed by pressing the “R” key. When you use your ultimate, you'll notice that its icon becomes darker. To use it again, fill the icon up by engaging in combat.
  • Some abilities can be toggled on and off by pressing their related hotkey. Ability tooltips help you recognize toggled abilities.
  • Area of Effect abilities now deal full damage to all targets hit, instead of having a damage penalty after hitting 7 or more targets. Secondary effects from those Area of Effect abilities (snares, stuns, etc.) are still capped at 6 targets.

Blocking & Counterattacks

Holding the right mouse button will block regardless of whether you have a shield, and reduce damage from enemy attacks. Blocking consumes stamina, and shields have the best damage reduction.

  • If you block an enemy's strong attack (enemy has yellow aura as executing), you'll be able to break their defenses and open them up for a devastating counterattack using a strong attack of your own.

Interrupting Enemies

When enemies glow red, it means that the attack they are using (or are about to use) can be interrupted. To interrupt the attack, press the left and right mouse button at the same time. Interrupting consumes stamina.


  • Press the “Ctrl” button to enter stealth mode. This decreases the chance that enemies will detect you, and some abilities can only be used while in stealth.
  • In this mode, your targeting reticule becomes an eye. If the eye begins to open, you're in danger of being detected and may need to move. If it opens all the way, you've been spotted.
  • Moving while in stealth, consumes stamina, but this can be mitigated by some set bonuses.

Dodging and Breaking Free of Crowd Control

  • To dodge enemy attacks, double-tap the movement keys in the direction you'd like to dodge. If you time it right, you'll avoid damage from the attack. Dodging costs stamina.
  • Some enemy attacks may hold you in place. To break this effect, you can press both mouse buttons at once. This also costs stamina.


  • Synergies are group combos possible when playing as a team, and they trigger secondary effects that can be activated by pressing “X” when prompted.
  • Synergy abilities: Special group coordination skills that unleash stronger attacks. They are cross-class and give players the opportunity to make their attacks unstoppable
  • Enemy synergy: Creatures will work together and create and execute the same deadly combos as the player, and are being coded to be smart enough to seek out strength in numbers. Some factions will have their own special combined attacks.
  • Dragon Bones DLC removed Synergies from the global cooldown, and they can now be activated while using other abilities.


  • When you defeat enemies, they often leave behind loot. To collect the loot from nearby defeated enemies, approach the corpses and press “E.” You automatically collect loot from several corpses—no need to interact with each one.


  • Avoid Death by using Quick Potions Slots (Q) allow for the consumption of health and other potions that share a 20-30 second cooldown. Foods and other such regeneration and boost items are also available.
  • If your health is reduced to zero, you've died, and your equipped items will suffer durability loss. If you have a full soul gem of the appropriate level in your inventory, you have the option to revive at the location where you fell. If you don't, you can return to the nearest Wayshrine.
  • To fill soul gems, you'll need Soul Trap, an ability gained through the Soul Magic skill line.
  • If you come across a dead player, you can use a full soul gem to revive them.
About TESOPatches ControlsGuildsMounts Console to PC DifferencesFAQVeteran Content
  1. Information on this page based on official ESO forums: http://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/discussion/60803/

Last updated on September 1st, 2017

One of the biggest differences between the console version and the pc version of Elder Scrolls Online is the in-game menu. In this article and video, we explain what’s what and how to do somethings that might not otherwise be clear. These tips can be found in several places in the ESO Wiki.


One of the important things you will need to learn to do is slot consumables. Whether it be potions, food, siege weapons or whathaveyou, every consumable needs to be slotted in order to be used efficiently, otherwise you have to navigate to your inventory mid0battle .

  1. In your inventory screen go to consumables.
  2. Once there find the consumable you wish to slot and hit the assign button.
  3. Next use the left stick to place it into the desired slot.

You can now use this consumable, but you must select it.

  1. To select it hold the up arrow on the dpad and use the stick to navigate to the item you just slotted and press the “X” button.
  2. Now when you press Up on the DPad you will consume that item.

The action bar will appear if you are out of combat and you can see how many of that item you have left and how long remains on its cooldown.

Comparing Items

You will want to compare gear that you have found to what you have equipped.

  1. Go to your inventory screen and go down to equipment.
  2. Inside the equipment heading you will see weapons and armor.
  3. Select the item you wish to view by pressing the select button. The item you selected will remain on the righ-hand side of the screen and you are free to scroll through the items you wish to compare to it on the left.

You can unequip the item and select another and then compare that newly selected item the same way.

Slotting and Assigning Skills

Skills in the console version of the game can be a bit more confusing than the PC version of the game. To navigate the skills of a particular line, go to the skills tab scroll down to the selected line and press the select button. Here you can view what each skill does, at what level it becomes unlocked and you can place points into morphs or unlock new skills.

  1. If you wish to change your skills or move them around on your skill bar:
  2. Press the select button as soon as you enter the menu, then scroll right or left to the skill you wish to change
  3. Scroll down to the skill you wish to slot there
  4. Press the assign button.

The triangle button will bring up your alternate skill bar, if you are level 15 or higher, and will allow you to slot skills there the same way.

Campaigns & PvP

This is how the player PvPs in Cyrodiil. There is a 30 day campaign, 14 day campaign a 7 day campaign and a non-veteran campaign. These numbers simply represent the number of days the campaign continues before the map is reset. Only non-veteran players can enter the non-veteran campaign and this one lasts just 5 days. You cannot join a campaign until you have reached character level 10.

On the Pvp Screen, you can see on the right that there are 3 colored widgets around each Faction. These represent the amount of players currently participating in PvP for that faction in that campaign. The more filled in widgets, the more players are playing for that faction. This will help you pick a campaign that is busy and where there is some action to be found.

Eso Quick Slot Potion Wow Classic

Once you’ve determined which campaign you wish to participate in you will need to choose whether to set as home or guest. You can only gain points towards the leaderboards in your home campaign. As there are only 4 servers it is advised that you simply set it to home. If you really want to, however, you can change home campaigns one time for free and then it will cost you Alliance Points should you decide to do so again in the future. Alliance Points are the PvP currency you gain from killing enemies and capturing Keeps.

Quests, Journal and Fast Travel

From the Journal tab, you can navigate to quests to get a full description what you must do for each Quest.

  1. To show the map you hit the show map button and then if you hit the quest journal button, it will keep the map open showing you where each quest is located.
  2. If you wish to see other Regions or Zone Maps simply hit R1 here. Scroll down to the desired region, press the select button, and then hit back.

You are free to navigate the map and can fast travel to any wayshire you have unlocked for the fee of gold shown on the screen.

Social: Voice

The Social panel is likely the most unfamiliar for players new to MMOs. The voice chat feature is actually pretty intuitive and can be used quite effectively for communication once you get the hang of it.

  1. Bring up the options menu and select social, then voice.
  2. Once inside the Voice Chat tab you will see a list of channels; you will be on Area by default.
  3. This means you can communicate with people near you. You can see who these players are by their names on the participant column

Next is the group chat. This is the chat you will use when grouped with other players. This chat will automatically begin when another player joins your group.

After that are your guild chats. You can have up to 5 guilds in the elder scrolls online and the chats for each one will display here in the order you were accepted into them. You will have to manually enter these chats in order to be able to communicate with members of each of your guilds. You can only be in one guild chat at a time.

Social: Emotes

Next up in the social panel is the emotes. There are LOTs of emotes in this game and they are a fun part that you shouldn’t miss out on. There are many sub categories with different emotes, but you can only slot 8 at a time. You can still use any gesture by going to the emotes menu, selecting the category and pressing the use button on the one you wish, but again only 8 can be quick-slotted.

To quick slot an emote:

  1. Scroll to it and press the assign button.
  2. Once pressed you will have to use the stick to place it in the desired slot and press the assign button again.
  3. To use the emote hold right on the Dpad until the wheel comes up and use the stick to navigate to it.


The grouping tab is where you will use the group finder tool and invite, dismiss, leave and travel to players in your group. You can quest with your friends by joining a group and sharing a quest, and you can do group dungeons this way too.

You can designate your role or roles at the top of this menu and then select the dungeon you wish to queue for by navigating to it, pressing the select button and then pressing join queue. Once this is done you are free to continue questing or crafting until the finder fills up your group and you have enough players to run that dungeon. This can take an extremely long time sometimes, so be patient.

Guild & Friends Panel

Eso Quickslot Potions

The Guild Panel is where you can view information about your guilds. You can see what your guild owns, if you have a guild trader, what the message of the day is and info about the guild.

  1. The roster tab will show you who is in the guild, what rank they are, what level they are, what class they are, which faction they are and where they are currently located. It will also tell you if they are on or offline. Players can join guilds of any faction, but can only PvP with players from their own faction.
  2. On the ranks tab you can see the ranks of the guild and what their permissions are and on the history tab you can see recent actions of your guild members. This is a good way to see who has joined or left and what has been taken or deposited in your guild bank.
  3. Under the options tab you can invite members to your guild, change the message of the day, change the about us, as long as you have permissions to do so or leave the guild if you wish. You will need to be reinvited if you leave.

Eso Quick Slot Potions

Under the friends screen you will see who of your friends list are online and info about them. This panel currently seems to be bugged as it was showing blank for me even though my friends were online playing with me.


The Mail panel is where you will receive messages from other players, receive items purchases from guild stores or traders and where you will receive important notices from Zenimax if need be. If you have hirelings you will receive materials from them here as well. They cannot send you more until you’ve claimed what they previously sent so make sure you do this daily.

You can also use the mail to send items or gold to other players. To do this:

  1. Scroll down to the “To” section and enter the players Online ID.
  2. Add a subject line if you wish, but this isn’t required and add a message if you wish, but again is not required.
  3. To send gold scroll to the send gold tab and enter the amount you wish. If you wish to add attachements scroll down to the attach items, press select and then select the items you wish to add, only 6 can be sent per mail. When you are finished scroll down to send and send the mail.

General Tips: Camera, Health Bars, Auto-Loot

Eso Quick Slot Potion

The console version of Elder Scrolls Online has many options that you may not be aware of. Two of the important ones are Third and First Person FOV. These sliders allow you to zoom in or out on your character, allowing you to adjust how far behind your character the camera sits.

  • If you wish to zoom out even further, outside of the options menu, hold the down button on the dpad and pull back or forward on the right stick until you are satisfied with the distance.
  • There are not many options in the controls department, but one of them is changing your crouch button. This can be done under the templates section.
  • You can also put Prevent Attacking innocents on to make sure you don’t accidentally attack someone you don’t want to. This might be a good idea for new players early on as fines from guards can cost them quite a bit of gold.
  • You can hide your helmet so you always see your face if you wish. Some people like that and others don’t.
  • You can set auto loot on as well. This is a double edged sword. It drastically speeds up loading time, but you will often fill your bags quickly and often with things you don’t need or want. There is also an auto loot stolen items setting that only applies to these. It’s probably a good idea to leave these off until you are more familiar with the game.
  • You can make it so the ability bar is always on, only on in combat or never on. Always on is a good idea for newer players learning their skills as it will help them remember which button does what.
  • Turning on healthbars is also recommended as it helps distinguish players and is also very useful in combat.
  • The last thing we suggest you do is turn down the volume on player voice. For whatever reason voice in Elder Scrolls Online are drastically louder then in party chat and can be quite painful. Set it one time to the desired volume and never worry about it again.

That’s all we have for now. We’ll be making more article, wiki and video guides as our journey continues, so until next time, see you in Tamriel.