Libratus Poker Reddit
Libratus is an artificial intelligence computer program designed to play poker, specifically heads up no-limit Texas hold 'em. Libratus' creators intend for it to be generalisable to other, non-Poker-specific applications. It was developed at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh. Dec 10, 2019 In a stunning victory completed tonight the Libratus Poker AI, created by Noam Brown et al. At Carnegie Mellon University, has beaten four human professional players at No-Limit Hold'em. For the first time in history, the poker-playing world is facing a future of machines taking over the game of No-Limit Holdem.
- Earlier this year our AI Libratus defeated top pros for the first time in no-limit poker (specifically heads-up no-limit Texas hold'em). We played four top humans in a 120,000 hand match that lasted 20 days, with a $200,000 prize pool divided among the pros.
- Jan 26, 2018 Libratus versus humans. Pitting artificial intelligence (AI) against top human players demonstrates just how far AI has come. Brown and Sandholm built a poker-playing AI called Libratus that decisively beat four leading human professionals in the two-player variant of poker called heads-up no-limit Texas hold'em (HUNL).
- Libratus played 120,000 hands in a 20-day poker competition against four top-ranked Texas Hold 'em players. It won by a staggering amount and walked away with $1.8 million in chips.
Sending Humans Down the Drain was Libratus, AI Poker Bot Champ
Find out all the reasons your not winning more in online poker further below in this article.
(IMMEDIATE MUST READ) Poker Bot Info for online Poker Players
Libratus the best poker bot, an AI Computer Recently Busted out Online Poker Pro Human Players Heads up and Winning in Poker Tournament Action One on One
Libratus Computer Best Poker Bot Wins Poker Tournament Beating Pro Online Players showing the need to own the Best Poker Hud Software Available. Photo Copyright:>ocusfocus
Poker Tournament won by AI Super Computer Poker Bot Libratus. Are Humans Headed to the Toilet and getting flushed away when it comes to Advancement vs Machines? Feelings Will be hurt yet again in human kinds battle against the virtual minds of computers in yet another sport to fall.
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Poker Hands Recommends you get your own AI Poker Bot Software Now in the form of a Pokertracker Poker HUD used by all the Pros and winning Joe Blow Players on the Internet.
If you don’t have one your not winning, or not winning what you could be winning. Win More Money Now. Get on the side of computer intelligence tools and use them to your advantage.
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Be A Winning Poker Player Like Libratus and Poker Pros: Get Poker Tracker 4 and Start Winning. Libratus beat Poker Pros because it is in itself a Super Poker Hud. The Poker Pros could not win against it without their Poker Tracker Hud. The evidence is clear, You need a poker tracker 4 hud to win consistently if your looking to make money in online poker. This is your chance to get your own poker bot to read the other players hands.
Libratus the Super Computer that wins Poker Tournaments
They even gave the Poker money stealing machine a name!
Its called Libratus. Is that name because it takes your money freely from you in removing your poker chips and cash from you easily? Yup It appears so….Libratus from its roots in Latin means to free, and in this case free us of our money.
What does this mean for poker when a super computer wins poker tournaments vs humans? Are we going to have to worry about bots in the future playing us online to take all our money in cash games?
How will we protect our online play against these super computer machines and bot technology once it becomes available mainstream?
Well for now I do not think we have to worry, although the way tech jumps forward in leaps and bounds you just do not know how long we will be safe from these super computer bots.
The Good News is that this ai best poker bot super computer was only able to win in heads up poker, and for now if your worried or may feel the need to be worried in the future, just avoid heads up poker as much as you can.
A Suggestion: You could stop playing heads up poker tournament games and forget all about ai super computer poker playing money stealing bots. 🙂 Just play tournaments, cash games and sit n goes. I never did like heads up poker myself anyway.
How did AI super computer win the poker tournaments Against Pro Online Poker Players?
- It used adaptation and changed its strategy as it went along
- Libratus analyzed the poker players individual styles
- It uses 28 Cores on 600 nodes
- It fixes its own holes in its strategy when players find them
Who did the Best Poker Bot Libratus win the poker tournaments against?
Poker Players sent to the rail by AI Computer Poker Bot were:
- 4 Players including these two in the video
- Don Kim Playing Professionally for 8 years
- Jason Les Playing poker for approx 13 years
- Also playing were McAulay and Chou
- Previously both Les and Kim had played and beaten another AI called Claudico a few years back so they have credibility
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What did the Professional Online Human Poker Players do in the Poker Tournament Heads up against Libratus?
- Played 30,000 hands over 200 hours in 20 days in a row
- Tried a 3 bet strategy when they thought they found a hole in the bots play but it failed to work
- Tried reraising every bet
- Played exhaustively until finally admitting defeat decisively on the side of the ai super computer in the heads up poker tournament
- Libratus won by more than 1.56 million virtual chips
Did Pro Poker Players waste time and get it all wrong against the Computer Poker Pro Libratus?
Libratus Poker Reddit Streams
They Played the Poker Tournament at Pittsburgh’s Rivers Casino for the showdown and although they tried different strategy, perhaps they wasted opportunities with these betting strategies.
Maybe these poker player professionals should have done something different every hand like the best poker bot known as Libratus was doing. Mixing up play continuously instead of pounding on perceived weak holes. Who knows. Perhaps that all they could do out of frustration with the ai super computer beating them down continuously.
Poker Players Getting it wrong without Poker Software to Guide Them
Playing Online Poker Without HUD Software Copyright:
Humans Vs. Super Computers playing Poker Tournaments now decided with Win by Libratus.
Where do we go from here?
For one thing it proves that if you play online you better have a Poker hud software program of some kind or you are at a big disadvantage.
Why do you need a Good Poker HUD? (Heads up Display)
Because these tournament poker players playing against Libratus were adaptive and winning online poker players and always used huds to win online themselves against other players.
They noticed a big hole in their abilities when they did not have a hud against Libratus to help guide them like they were used to using against other human players.
Yet Libratus is one giant poker player HUD in of itself. It analyzed its own play and found its own holes as well as collecting stats and information on the human Poker players it played against.
Winning Online Poker Players Use The Best Poker Hud Software
Therefore Poker Huds offer an unfair advantage to those that have and use them vs. those that do not. If you play poker online you may have one already. If you don’t, get one now or don’t start crying once people sit down at your table to exploit your stats and playing style against you AND bleeding you dry.
Next time you go to reload cash in your poker account think about What I Just Said. Maybe part of that deposit should go to some HUD Software and HUD Add Ons for your game type. Be the Shark NOT the Fish!
Sharks use Holdem Manager or Poker Tracker the 2 Best Poker Software HUDS
Man Playing Cards Online Winning With Poker Hud Software Copyright:
Get one of the Best Poker Huds or Get Out of Online Poker.
Just play Live or Free Rolls Online Instead because you are at a big disadvantage. Especially so in the shark filled waters of sites like Poker Stars. Get Poker Tracker 4 and start using it to win, then add on to it for your niche, like sit n goes, tournaments, cash games… Do it seriously.
Choose 1 or Both Pokertracker computer software tools and start being your own winning poker bot
Get a Poker Trakcr HUD display Free Trial and up your game. Or Choose Holdem Manager Poker Tracker Hud Free Trial or Try both for 30 days free, they both do the same thing, only you may like one interface better than the other. As Libratus shows computer software analyzing play is the way to get a jump on your opponents like this computer did against the non software using human opponents. We like em both, Poker Tracker and Holdem Manager. The Poker Hand Man picks Poker Tracker 4 but you may also be able to beat him using Holdem Manager, but you wont beat him or anyone else consistently and profitably without one of them.
Although we may be okay in online poker vs machines for now if you are however getting the least bit nervous about Libratus and Poker Bots like it, and do not want to invest the small amount required for a HUD, then Switch to Live Poker Tournaments. Find the Best here at the WSOP and the WPT or play at your local casino. Or again like mentioned before, if serious about Online Poker get a HUD!
Pokerhands recommends if you don’t listen to any thing else we say on the site at least listen to this. Remember that the next time you wonder why you are getting raised and bet off of hands, losing hands on turn and river cards, and not getting max value from your monster hands, its probably because your opponent is like Libratus and knows all about your play from a PokerTracker Best Poker Hud. Don’t you think you should know about theirs also?
Next: Check out>>>
Poker-playing AIs typically perform well against human opponents when the play is limited to just two players. Now Carnegie Mellon University and Facebook AI research scientists have raised the bar even further with an AI dubbed Pluribus, which took on 15 professional human players in six-player no-limit Texas Hold 'em and won. The researchers describe how they achieved this feat in a new paper in Science.
Playing more than 5,000 hands each time, five copies of the AI took on two top professional players: Chris 'Jesus' Ferguson, six-time winner of World Series of Poker events, and Darren Elias, who currently holds the record for most World Poker Tour titles. Pluribus defeated them both. It did the same in a second experiment, in which Pluribus played five pros at a time, from a pool of 13 human players, for 10,000 hands.
Co-author Tuomas Sandholm of Carnegie Mellon University has been grappling with the unique challenges poker poses for AI for the last 16 years. No-Limit Texas Hold 'em is a so-called 'imperfect information' game, since there are hidden cards (held by one's opponents in the hand) and no restrictions on the size of the bet one can make. By contrast, with chess and Go, the status of the playing board and all the pieces are known by all the players. Poker players can (and do) bluff on occasion, so it's also a game of misleading information.
Claudico begat Libratus
In 2015, Sandholm's early version of a poker-playing AI, called Claudico, took on four professional players in heads-up Texas Hold 'em—where there are only two players in the hand—at a Brains vs. Artificial Intelligence tournament at the Rivers Casino in Pittsburgh. After 80,000 hands played over two weeks, Claudico didn't quite meet the statistical threshold for declaring victory: the margin must be large enough that there is 99.98% certainty that the AI's victory is not due to chance.
Sandholm et al. followed up in 2017 with another AI, dubbed Libratus. This time, rather than focusing on exploiting its opponents' mistakes, the AI focused on improving its own play–apparently a more reliable approach. 'We looked at fixing holes in our own strategy because it makes our own play safer and safer,' Sandholm told IEEE Spectrum at the time. 'When you exploit opponents, you open yourself up to exploitation more and more.' The researchers also upped the number of games played to 120,000.
AdvertisementThe AI prevailed, even though the four human players tried to conspire against it, coordinating on making strange bet sizes to confuse Libratus. As Ars' Sam Machkovech wrote at the time, 'Libratus emerged victorious after 120,000 combined hands of poker played against four human online-poker pros. Libratus' $1.7 million margin of victory, combined with so many hands, clears the primary bar: victory with statistical significance.'
But Libratus was still playing against one other player in heads-up action. A far more challenging conundrum is playing poker with multiple players. So Pluribus builds on that earlier work with Libratus, with a few key innovations to allow it to come up with winning strategies in multiplayer games.
Sandholm and his former graduate student, Noam Brown—who is now working on his PhD with the Facebook Artificial Intelligence Research (FAIR) group—employed 'action abstraction' and 'information abstraction' approaches to reduce how many different actions the AI must consider when devising its strategy. Whenever Pluribus reaches a point in the game when it must act, it forms a subgame—a representation that provides a finer-grained abstraction of the real game, akin to a blueprint, according to Sandholm.
'It goes back a few actions and does a type of game theoretical reasoning,' he said. Each time, Pluribus must come up with four continuation strategies for each of the five human players via a new limited-lookahead search algorithm. This comes out to 'four to the power of six million different continuation strategies overall,' per Sandholm.
Like Libratus, Pluribus does not use poker-specific algorithms; it simply learns the rules of this imperfect information game and then plays against itself to devise its own winning strategy. So Pluribus figured out on its own it was best to devise a mixed strategy of play and being unpredictable—the conventional wisdom among today's top human players. 'We didn't even say, 'The strategy should be randomized,' said Sandholm. 'The algorithm automatically figured out that it should be randomized, and in what way, and with what probabilities in what situations.'
Libratus Poker
No limping
Pluribus actually confirmed one bit of conventional poker-playing wisdom: it's just not a good idea to 'limp' into a hand, that is, calling the big blind rather than folding or raising. The exception, of course, is if you're in the small blind, when mere calling costs you half as much as the other players. But while human players typically avoid so-called 'donk betting'—in which a player ends one round with a call but starts the next round with a bet—Pluribus placed donk bets far more often than its human opponents.
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AdvertisementSo, 'In some ways, Pluribus plays the same way as the humans,' said Sandholm. 'In other ways, it plays completely Martian strategies.' Specifically, Pluribus makes unusual bet sizes and is better at randomization.
'Its major strength is its ability to use mixed strategies,' said Elias. 'That's the same thing that humans try to do. It's a matter of execution for humans—to do this in a perfectly random way and to do so consistently. Most people just can't.'
Libratus Poker Reddit Game
'It was incredibly fascinating getting to play against the poker bot and seeing some of the strategies it chose,' said Michael 'Gags' Gagliano, another participating poker player. 'There were several plays that humans simply are not making at all, especially relating to its bet sizing. Bots/AI are an important part in the evolution of poker, and it was amazing to have first-hand experience in this large step toward the future.'
This type of AI could be used to design drugs to take on antibiotic-resistant bacteria, for instance, or to improve cybersecurity or military robotic systems. Sandholm cites multi-party negotiation or pricing—such as Amazon, Walmart, and Target trying to come up with the most competitive pricing against each other—as a specific application. Optimal media spending for political campaigns is another example, as well as auction bidding strategies. Sandholm has already licensed much of the poker technology developed in his lab to two startups: Strategic Machine and Strategy Robot. The first startup is interested in gaming and other entertainment applications; Strategy Robot's focus is on defense and intelligence applications.
Potential for fraud
When Libratus beat human players in 2017, there were concerns about whether poker could still be considered a skill-based game and whether online games in particular would soon be dominated by disguised bots. Some took heart in the fact that Libratus needed major supercomputer hardware to analyze its game play and figure out how to improve its play: 15 million core hours and 1,400 CPU cores during live play. But Pluribus needs much less processing capability, completing its blueprint strategy in eight days using just 12,400 core hours and 28 cores during live play.
So is this the death knell for skill-based poker? Well, the algorithm was so successful that the researchers have decided not to release its code. 'It could be very dangerous for the poker community,' Brown told Technology Review.
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Sandholm acknowledges the risk of sophisticated bots swarming online poker forums, but destroying poker was never his aim, and he still thinks it's a game of skill. 'I have come to love the game, because these AIs have really shown there's a whole additional depth to the game that humans haven't understood, even brilliant professional players who have played millions of hands,' he said. 'So I'm hoping this will contribute to the excitement of poker as a recreational game.'
Libratus Poker Paper
DOI: Science, 2019. 10.1126/science.aay2400 (About DOIs).
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Listing image by Steve Grayson/WireImage/Getty Images