Nsw Poker Machines Covid
What you can and can't do
As the public health orders change, it's important to do the right thing.
However, OLGR also confirmed the amount of money put through poker machines in July was 32 per cent higher than the same time last year, citing COVID-19 social and economic factors as contributors. The NSW State Government has already deferred payment of millions of dollars in poker machine taxes from previous quarters until September 1. ClubsNSW did not get everything it asked for during the COVID-19 lockdown.
NSW Clubs, which represents more than 1,200 facilities in New South Wales that offer electronic gambling machines, has reportedly estimated a loss of more than 35,000 jobs. Gambling reform advocates are concerned about the lure of electronic gambling machines as restrictions ease. Poker machines are dispersed across 4000 venues in NSW, and only 1500 of the total 96,000 machines are in the Star casino. Tim Costello, chief advocate for the Alliance for Gambling Reform, has written to Premier Gladys Berejiklian, urging her cabinet to support a gambling card.
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Nsw Poker Machines Covid Cases
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- COVIDSafe app helps the Federal Government support and protect you, your friends and family
** Active cases are locally acquired COVID-19 cases with onset in the last four weeks. This is based on the date the person first developed symptoms. When no date of symptom onset is available (it is either under investigation by public health staff or the person tested positive without showing symptoms), the date of the positive test is used. Infections are not always acquired in the place of residence as people often travel outside their area for many reasons (e.g. work, school and shopping).
***The heatmap excludes 189 cases in crew members who tested positive while on board a ship docked in NSW at the time of diagnosis.