
Unlv Casino Management Online

Technology & Computers

Cybersecurity Bootcamp

GAM 339: Protection of Casino Table Games With a set-up that includes casino-level table games, it’s no secret that UNLV is an industry leader when it comes to gaming and hospitality education. Council oak steak seafood – davie – hollywood view photos, critic reviews, user reviews and blog posts about council oak 1 seminole way hard rock hotel casino hollywood, fl 4. Introduction to casino management pdf Online casino in new jersey – legal gambling usa our selection of the best websites licensed us to play casino games.

This bootcamp prepares you to enter the workforce in under a year as a highly qualified, entry-level professional with the in-demand experience employers are looking for to help defend our most vital assets.

Teaching & Learning Remotely. Get information and resources to help you teach from an off-campus location. Increase your knowledge and skills while maintaining your busy life. Online courses help you fit professional development into your busy schedule. You will need to devote approximately eight hours each week to your studies and you can access the materials 24/7. Instructor: Peter Eghoian Summer Semester: May 18 - July 12, 2015 Pre-requisite: Intro to Casino Management or comparable casino. UNLV: Center for Gaming Research. The Center for Gaming Research, inside UNLV's Lied Library, provides support for scholarly inquiry into all aspects of gambling, including the business of gaming, its economic and social impacts and its historical and cultural manifestations.

Unmanned Aircraft Systems Certificate Program

Build strong technical understanding of commercial UAS operation through classroom and online instruction, plus gain experience through flight labs. Prepare for the FAA Part 107 Remote Pilot Certificate exam.

Print & Graphic Design Certificate Program

Master creative and technical skills using Adobe Creative Suite, the graphic design industry’s leading design software. Build a strong foundation with core requirements, then customize your training with electives to suit your career aspirations.

Web Development Coding Certificate Program

From React.js to Ruby on Rails, master a challenging curriculum of the most sought-after coding skills in the tech industry. This program teaches you how to learn, think, and problem solve like a software engineer so you can adapt to emerging technologies.


Lean Six Sigma Green Belt & Black Belt Certificate Programs

Solve problems, facilitate teams, and improve work processes using the proven strategies of Lean Six Sigma. Learn leading organizational management approaches to eliminating wasted overhead, expenses, inventory, time, and talent.

Integrated Marketing Communications Certificate Program

Provide a seamless customer experience by unifying public relations, social media, and advertising into a consistent branding effort that remains constant across all media channels.

Human Resource Management Certificate Programs/aPHR Certification Preparation

Stay up to date with emerging trends and regulations in human resources. Classes help you navigate strategic management, employee relations and development, ethics, and employment law.

Community Manager Pre-certification Education

Acquire knowledge and skills required to manage common-interest communities in Nevada.

Executive Certificate in Business Administration

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Study the most important concepts, tools, and techniques taught in today’s business schools so you can objectively assess staffing, business processes, economic trends, and financial opportunity.


Protective Services Professional Certificate Program

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Protect high net worth individuals, public figures, and government officials through comprehensive, realistic protective services and personal security training.

Paralegal Certificate Program

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Master the research, investigation, writing, and documentation skills to work alongside lawyers in any setting where legal work is performed.

Mediation Certificate Program

Learn the facilitative mediation process, develop active listening skills, and practice effective questioning techniques. Classroom training and an in-depth practicum will prepare you to become an effective, neutral third party in a conflict.

Unlv Casino Management Online Course


Life & Leisure

Sommelier Academy Certificate Program

Immerse yourself in the complexities and nuances of wine production, service, and taste. Learn to manage wine inventory, advise on food and wine pairings, assist patrons in wine selection, and educate service staff.

Fashion Design Certificate Program

Explore the creative, technical, and business elements of the fashion industry through hands-on activities, demonstrations, special events, classes, and field trips.

Leadership & Management

Organizational Leadership Certificate Program

Take an active role in steering the future of your organization by learning to motivate employees, influence decision making, and create a big-picture vision.

Management Certificate Program

Develop skills in five key management competency areas: conflict management, communications, people/team management, project management, and managing diversity in the workplace.


Healthcare & Wellness Professionals

Certified Nursing Assistant

Channel your compassion into a medical career addressing basic care of patients including dressing, bathing, and feeding.

Mat Pilates & Injury Prevention Certificate Program

Gain a practical understanding of human anatomy and dance kinesiology useful in preventing injuries. Training consists of both technique and theory classes.

Medical Assistant Certificate Program

Enter the medical field experienced in the latest technologies and skills. Get hands-on training in both patient care and office administration.


Grant Academy Certificate Program

Identify relevant grant opportunities, write strong proposals, track program outcomes, manage reports, and utilize data sources to make a convincing case for support.

Nonprofit Management Certificate Program

Examine key aspects of nonprofit work including fundraising, programs, ethics, legal compliance, volunteer management, marketing, and board responsibilities.

Nonprofit Fundraising Certificate Program

Delve into all aspects of a thriving, sustainable fundraising enterprise. Curriculum covers ethics, best practice processes and procedures, data collection and management, and donor relations.

Language Skills for Professionals

Medical Interpretation: Spanish Certificate Program

Bridge the gap between physicians and non-English speaking patients. Medical interpreters provide a vital service for the health care community, ensuring essential information is communicated accurately. Must be bilingual in English and Spanish.

Legal Interpretation: Spanish Certificate Program

Ensure language barriers do not morph into legal barriers for people whose primary language is not English. Must be bilingual in English and Spanish.

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